Website Credits & Contributing Authors

Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels Photo by Ono Kosuki from Pexels

Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels

Icons made by Freepik from

contract by Laymik from the Noun Project
approved by unlimicon from the Noun Project
Mortgage by Royal Icon from the Noun Project
FB Ad Photo by Ivan Samkov from Pexels

house clipart png from



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I love being a Mortgage Specialist in this beautiful Okanagan Valley.

My passion lies in creating strong, lasting relationships with my clients and their families. Talk to me about your hopes, dreams and goals. Provide me with transparency and I will provide you with the absolute best mortgage solution and rates to meet your needs.

~ Bonnie Thorlakson
Commitment, Achievement, Compassion, Caring and Passionate.

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